Unit 7:  The Closing of the Frontier & the Conquest of the West

Unit Outline Download

Chapter Reading Schedule:

  • Chapter 18 is due Thursday, 1/7 for Pd 2 & Friday, 1/8 for Pd 1.
  • Our Hearts Fell to the Ground is due Monday, 1/11.
  • Unit 7 Test is Thursday, 1/14.

Posted Lecture Notes:

Note:  Posted notes include essential material presented in lecture but are not always organized in the same manner as the classroom presentation.

Unit Study Aids:

Recommended AMSCO Readings:

Unit Assignments



Due Date

Unit Vocabulary
(25 pts)
Download the Unit Seven Outline, and define the terms in BOLD on the vocabulary list.  Provide both the factual background and the significance of each term to American expansion into & conquest of the West.

THU, 1/14

Slavery Paper Final Draft
(100 pts)
The final version of your slavery paper is finally due.  For specific directions check back at the Unit 5 page where the assignment was originally posted.  For the most part follow normal procedures for a formal essay or paper, especially when dealing with citations.  A few specific notes on the paper:
  • Make sure you have a title for your paper;
  • For the Works Cited page, include all sources;
  • Make sure you have Internal Citations.

A note on notes when using packets in your paper:

Citing published works is pretty straightforward, and you should be able to find the format in any MLA style manual.  Unpublished works can be trickier.  For purposes of citation, packets or other printed materials from my class should be treated as an unpublished Typescript (as opposed to a handwritten Manuscript) for citations.

For course packets use the following MLA format for  an unpublished "Typescpript" source:
  • Kind, Craig.  African American Slave Narratives: An American History Reader.  2009. TS.  West Valley High School, Fairbanks.
When citing Slave Narratives within in your paper, refer to the specific narrative and/or its author in the text, but use my name & the packet page number in the parenthetical citations:
  • As Solomon Northrup described Patsey in Twelve Years a Slave, "She had a genial and pleasant nature" (Kind 3).

MON, 1/11