Unit 8:  Immigration, Urbanization & Industrialization at the Turn of the Century

Unit Outline Download

Chapter Reading Schedule:

  • Ch. 19 is due Monday, 1/25.
  • Ch. 20 is due Thursday, 1/28. (Skip pp. 703-15)
  • Ch. 21 is due Tuesday, 2/2.
  • Unit 8 Test is Wednesday, 2/10.

Posted Lecture Notes:

Note:  Posted notes include essential material presented in lecture but are not always organized in the same manner as the classroom presentation.

Unit Study Aids:

Recommended AMSCO Readings:

Unit Assignments



Due Date

Unit Vocabulary
(25 pts)
Download the Unit Eight Outline, and define the terms in BOLD on the vocabulary list.  Provide both the factual background and the significance of each term to the development of American Immigration, Urbanization, Industrialization & Progressivism.

WED, 2/10

Strikes Assignment
(25 pts)

Download the directions below.  You may do this assignment alone or with a partner.  It is due next Tuesday, as long as you make adequate progress during our class time in the computer lab.

TUE, 2/2

Jacob Riis Primary Docs
(10 pts)

When Jacob Riis published his influential book How the Other Half Lives he had a very specific agenda, yet many Progressives had other concerns & focused on subjects in the book Riis never intended to emphasize.  The reactions to Riis' book, as well as the works of other "Muckrakers," are very important to understanding the Progressive movement, and this will be the topic of the first part of our discussion of Unit 8.

Using the web site below, locate the following information & provide the appropriate documentation:
  1. Read the "Introduction" to How the Other Half Lives & briefly summarize Riis' main concerns (Need not be more than a paragraph);
  2. Click on the "List of Photographs & Illustrations" link & view the following pictures: 3, 4, 45, 51, 96, 99, 108, 114, 120, 123, 139, 152 & 208;
  3. Provide a brief personal response to the group of pictures as a whole and as print out 2-3 that you consider particularly powerful.
FRI, 2/5